e.t. the expat trotter

Your Job, a Community, Empowerment & a Footprint
Life is a one-time offer. Be grateful. Make it sweet.
Accommodation with good internet & workspace
Good internet speeds? A decent workspace? Clean & quiet? Life nearby? Many of us tend to spend hours looking for the perfect space, to eliminate any possibility of poor connection, work disruptions or too much hassle. Worry not, I’ve done this for us!
Flexible itinerary, experiences & excursions

This is a no-pressure environment. An itinerary is proposed for different work time zones & the weekends of course; there will be multiple opportunities to hang out as a group. Whether you wish to join all, a few, or create our own, is totally up to us.

The be all end all, your job is the priority & you got to do what you got to do, to sustain & travel more!

Curated community & connections

A quote I live by is: be moderate in all your ways, in order to taste the joys of life in abundance. Where am I going with this philosophy? I’m quite particular about the group dynamic. If your goal is to have an even distribution of work, experiences, & nightlife, and you’re a responsible & fun individual, this will be a perfect fit!

Who is ET?

Hello! Bonjour! Ahlan! Hola! I'm Ebram & my close friends believe my coincidentally identical initials to ET the Extra-Terrestrial, is no coincidence...I mean we’re all special in our own way! And yes, one could argue that a lack of a particular place to call home, the constant upbeat & positive vibes (given I don't even drink coffee), the sports fanaticism (whatever it is, I’m in!), the banter, the shameless silliness & the loud laughs I give off, could be classified as extraterrestrial. I do demonstrate human characteristics too.
My flatmates would describe me as a clear extrovert who does appreciate the alone time too, very sociable/personable, quite tidy (borderline OCD), above average clean, caring, extremely considerate, easy going, & sports devoted. You’ll almost always find me down to try new things!
Egyptian-born, Emirati-bred, English-lived, and Canadian-naturalized, my roots are dispursed and so I say, a citizen of the earth! With family still based in the UAE, I call it home for now. I am based out of Toronto for work.
I’m a people person. And naturally fit into the Human Resources world. I work with an awesome team to implement & automate HR systems/processes, in order to allow HR teams to focus on their core task of serving employees. As a consultant, I take a lot of pride in helping my clients get to their desired workstate & resolve their problems.

I’d attribute my travel fever to my upbringing when my parents would take us on guided tours every summer. So traveling again as an adult was just a rekindling of the fire. Exploring the world is an important part of life at the moment; I don't do it the typical way though. Clothed in respect for all humankind, I’ve learned that truly immersing oneself in local culture and connecting with the locals, is where the knowledge & discovery really falls. So you’ll often find me talking to locals, picking up some words off google translate, signing up for a walking history tour, or trying out local dishes. You can bank on my advanced research for the locals’ fav restaurants & dishes.

Every experience has a thing to teach so I don't hesitate to try out new adventures...if it doesn't involve heights! In fact, I sometimes use travel as an opportunity to challenge my fears. I once booked a short-haul domestic flight that turned out to be a Cessna and I wasn’t aware! No regrets at all, defying my fear of heights was rewarded by the spectacular landscape (& yes I had my eyes partially shut for half the journey). So whether it’s feeding Ilamas in Peru, discovering frozen waterfalls in Georgia, boating into the meeting point between two bodies of water in Mexico & Morocco or offroading into the deserts of Egypt, the adventures are limitless. I'm a massive sportsman! You'll often find me running in the morning, playing tennis in the afternoon (I travel with a racquet, enough said) & mountain hiking in between. If a tennis camp overlaps our trip's location & timelines, you bet I'm signing up & you're invited too!
Social Responsibility & Sustainability

Since school days, volunteering has grown onto me and I make sure to give back to the community at every opportunity. From helping set up a medical service in remote areas, cleaning up parks, coaching football to underprivileged kids, to helping immigrants settle and find jobs. 30+ countries and counting, traveling the world has equipped me with a great deal of appreciation for the earth we live on so I tend to encourage my trip partners to put a little consideration into social & environmental factors, such as carpooling, recycling, respecting local traditions, etc. Nothing too extraordinary, if we start with the basics, we’ll live in a better world! Please feel free to ask for any donation boxes around if you decide a few clothing items are not going back into your suitcase, but are in decent reusable condition 😉
Why Travel with Me?

If you’re undecided, let me tell you this: schedule a call in my calendar and talk to me about your doubts. Overall, I intend to create a balanced environment, where you get to follow a work schedule while still be able to live memorable adventures!


When picking an accommodation, I look for terrasse, pool, and BBQ, and plenty of space for both working and being productive as well as relaxing.

I love creating an open environment where everyone feels included and encouraged to be authentically themselves. We create friends for life!

Diverse Experience

I believe in balance! So I include food, wine tasting, or cooking class options, and fun outdoor activities. Plus, you get plenty of ways to get more empowerment and development in your life with EFT Tapping as well workshops to manage negative self talk, imposter syndrome, and boost confidence and self love.

We have to work to live but not live to work. But working smarter not harder has always been my motto and you need an environment that supports efficiency and productivity.
Feel free to contact me!

Ebram Tadros

WhatsApp: +44 746 2626726
Email: ebram.tadros@gmail.com